Wednesday, September 27, 2006

( Yee-Haws and Hells Naws )3

Let's all give a big Hells Naw to semitrucks and their drivers. When your vehicle has multiple axles, you do not need to drive it as if it were a racecar. Also, just because your vehicle is bigger than mine, does not give you have the right to cut me off. And lastly, you can't make a left turn from the center lane. "How's my driving", you ask. Dreadful.

Yee-Haw to bountiful amounts of free coupons from Panera. Keep 'em coming. I can never get enough free pizza and soup. If you are like me, and prefer a free soup over overpriced soup, you too can recieve these coupons. All you have to do is hand over all your personal information to Panera when you sign up to use their free internet, and the coupons eventually start coming in the mail by the boat load.

Yee-Haw to urban excursions! We actually ventured outside of our comfortable suburban communities, to brave the Downtown frontier. Our mission: books, music, and shrimp tacos. Actually, the shrimp tacos were only for Mopey Mandarin, as Apathetic Arlington is more of a tofu burrito kind of girl. Needless to say, our mission was successful. A return mission in the near future is foreseen.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmm, shrimp tacos @ BG