Ringling Bros. and Barnum and Bailey are in town, and that is your signal to drag out those printed on 100% recycled paper protest signs. Bozo and the gang have been in town since the 14th, but since I've been away from this technology nonsense for so long I only got my e-mail from PETA today, letting me know of the "anti-circus demonstrations" taking place in the area. But don't worry, you haven't missed your chance! The following dates are the last two scheduled anti-circus demos before the tour leaves for somewhere that isn't the Vetrans Memorial Arena.
Saturday, January 20, 10:00 a.m., 2:00 p.m., and 6:00 p.m. Sunday, January 21, 12:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m.
And if you don't care (you heartless unethical twit), then enjoy this video, featuring a truely respectable role model- that guy from MTV.
As quxzyt writes in the comments, "Fuck that peace of shit motherfuckers hurting that poor baby elephant! ASSHOLES." Oh, quxzyt, I couldn't have said it better myself.
Idiocracy or nostalgia? Once a staple attraction of Goony Golf, this now homeless 20 foot T-Rex is to be given a full make over and turned into a glorified momument along Beach Blvd. We've all seen it. Driving down the road. Just cruising. And all of a sudden....WTF, is that a dinosuar? Personally I'm a fan of the rex, but I don't understand how the fate of this out-of-place landmark has stirred up so much hype. From Jacksonville.com, "Neighbors worried about the fate of the familiar but forlorn orange-painted statue, whose floodlight-lit eyes used to blink and whose mechanical arm had operated a door to collect the golf balls....calls flooded into Ash Properties" It's a little bit ridiculous. So much attention is being given to the restoration, you would think it was historical or of some greater commemoration (i.e Holocaust, MLK, The Great Fire of 1901), not of a demolished has-been minigolf course. But reportedly, love for this statue extends far beyond the hearts of Jacksonvillians, with requests to obtain the dinosaur from such places as Disney World, L.A, and even Australia. Maybe I'm just missing something.
The trials and tribulations of two girls not living remotely close to the cooler than cool downtown area. Sometimes there isn't enough gas money to make it anywhere other than the 'burbs, so we blog to bring you the shit Phil Amato won't (plus some).
For now we're anonymous but who knows what the future holds (The Better Jacksonville Plan totally helped us welcome change with open, yet slightly deformed, arms). But really, that shouldn't matter because we don't like Lynyrd Skynyrd so you should just be happy we're alive.